Sunday, June 6, 2021

It's Funday Afternoon Y'all

 Thanks FBers


  1. Take a photo of course.

    Have a fabulous afternoon, Odie. ☺

    1. Sandee, damn straight. We know our kids better than the camel.

  2. For the well-loaded pickup … you know whoever did that owned Tetris!

  3. 'Heck yeah' is my answer if I would have been playing in the dirt. I see one of them is using dad's bit and brace. To drill holes in the dirt, what else? Maybe instant tiny fox holes for the little green soldiers.

    1. Rick, I remember ruining a few of my Dad's tools, too, way back then.

  4. Of course it would have been me. My mother would do anything to get me out of the house for a while.

  5. #8, Saw half and 3/4 ton pick ups in San Diego loaded like that regularly. Always Mexicans. The Mexican's trained the authorities to stop ticketing and arresting them, because they never went to court, no matter how many times they were re-arrested. It over loaded the system, ended up having to purge hundreds of thousands of bench warrants. Finally the cops were told to only arrest drunk drivers and felons. Haven't seen a truck loaded like that again since moving to Tennessee 7 years ago.

    1. Tree Mike, San Diego was once a beautiful place, and it's gone to crap.

  6. Playing in the dirt - those kids are rank amateurs. We had a fox hole in the back yard big enough for a half-dozen kids with a honest to God machine-gun with concrete poured down the barrel on the edge with a drag-shoot for camouflage. When we abandoned it, Dad made us fill it in before it became a mosquito pit.

    1. Judy, sounds like my childhood. Those were great times, huh.

  7. Seriously, kid and camel - take a picture !


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