Wednesday, June 2, 2021

A Skipism Afternoon


Thanks Skip


  1. Crazy times we live in.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

    1. Sandee, some lost souls think these are the sane years. I pity the foos.

    2. I remember a poll not long ago on a website frequented by young people who overwhelmingly said "Things have never been better than they are today".

  2. #3 But veterans a day. Wear RED on Fridays to Remember Every Deployed so the get 52 but think about them every single day & Thank everyone you see. They wear it proudly as so the should. Some do not but will see the act and fill up with pride (for our country for these aren't that kind of people). They still fill it and that is why they did what they did.

  3. Man I missed a lot of apostrophes. Hope not to offend. Things can be read 2 ways and apostrophes can be the difference.

  4. Wait.. When did Biden say an elementary school girl looked like a 19 year old? I believe he said it and probably believes it, but I had not heard about that one..

    1. Chris, I think it was within the last week. He's a creepy dude.

  5. 1955 Ford (Victoria?) Basket Handle Hardtop.

    1. bart simpsonson, that's the first time I've heard it called that.


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