Friday, April 16, 2021

Skipisms For Friday ~ Morning Edition


Thanks Skip


  1. Re the mileage tax, the gasoline tax is a mileage tax. The more you drive, the more tax you pay. Moreover, it penalizes inefficient, low-mpg cars. The only cars that avoid this tax are electric cars. A mileage tax should be applied to them so that they pay their fair share of highway maintenance.

    1. sykes.1, as Rush used to say, if your neighbor pays more tax than you it does nothing for your situation. It's call "Getting even withemism," and does no one any good. How about lowering taxes?

  2. I'm the guy top right.

    PS All these guys who brag about how getting hit made them men never really got hit that much. You can tell the ones who did.

    1. imo, we only needed to get whacked a couple times. Then all it took was that look from Dad. Grounded worked a lot better on me. I used to beg them to just beat me and let me out.

    2. edutcher. my son, 40 years ago, was spanked a few times. After that the threat of it would bring him to tears ... still does ... LOL!

  3. Yea, good ones. I specially like the septic tank idea.

    They already tax us for every mile. It's called a gas tax. Agree with Sykes for the mileage tax on electric cars. They cause needed road repairs too. Yea I know the gov actually spends it on cocaine and hookers tho.

  4. In regards to tarring & feathering, I agree. But in these modern times I think it would be easier to substitute shredded paper (especially the bills they offered up that got them tarred.), but I'm not sure what a good substitute for pine tar would be. Any suggestions?

    1. - Flex Seal
      - Gorilla blue
      - caulk (could write words put)

    2. Rampant Clam, Maple Syrup over a fire ant hill.

    3. Meeester, I still like Maple Syrup over fire ants.


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