Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Afternoon With the Royals


Thanks Skip


  1. Yeah. Ironic, much? I did like the 007 one though.

  2. I can't wait for my afternoon with the Royals, Opening Day on 1 April at Kauffman Stadium vs the Texas Rangers....beer, brats, baseball (probably a bit early for the babes in halter tops and shorty shorts) and.....oh, wrong Royals.....nevermind

  3. It's gotta be in the genes. Edward VIII ha had the same thing with a not-so-closet Nazi.

    And Liz really ought to give the Commander a ring on the ting-a-ling. Straighten this whole mess.

    1. edutcher, I just glad most of that crap is at least 3000 miles away.

  4. All are very funny but I noticed in the last pic Harry has his knees really closed up. All the guys will understand.

    1. LivingFossil, is that from before or after she took them?


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