Monday, September 25, 2017

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style ~ 120 ~

Thanks T-Bone


  1. Bwahahahahahahaha. That's a little ankle bitter there. Love this, Odie. Thanks for making me laugh out loud.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday, Woodsterman Style. ☺

  2. Aw ~ T-Bone is so cute ~ lovely photo ~ thanks, ^_^

    (A ShutterBug Explores)

  3. Sandee, you're very welcome. You see that's my job.

  4. Carol, T-bone (aka Dick) thanks you for saying so, but he supplied video and didn't star in it.

  5. your dog with gloves on! Hilarious! made me laugh out loud....even Lucy the Cat was snickering...

  6. Adrienne, in my house I'd make him a welcome mat.

  7. LOL,
    Had more of those kind of dogs than I care to remember when I worked at the veterinarian's.


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