Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mom, Weren't You Taking A Nap Too?

Thanks Dan


  1. Clean up on aisle four. Those poor mothers.

  2. Kids can be so destructive. They have a fine time doing the destruction thing. I so remember all the messes I've cleaned up.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. Adrienne, how do you clean up that first one?

  4. Sandee, Grandma and Grampa do it here on a regular basis.

  5. Well, that explains the smile on your face.

  6. This brings back a lot of seriously bad memories. For my neighbors. From all my screaming I did at my kids when they did stuff like this.

  7. I like the picture of young Aquaman, getting back to his roots.

  8. Many years ago I taught Head Start one summer----little brats drove me nuts!

  9. Geez, who would leave a sharpie, perm marker, within reach of a small child...
    Done my share of clean ups with my kids!

  10. Proof, he's gonna suck in some fish poop.

  11. Brig, it's a slip up that will get one to wake up in the future.


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