Sunday, May 29, 2016

Some Truths

Thanks David


  1. To most mofos, it don't mean nothin.'

  2. The Smart Car made me laugh out loud. They really are cute little cars, but I would not want to drive one in North Idaho where 99.9% of the other vehicles are big-assed pickem me ups.

  3. Bwahahahahahahaha. These are all good.

    I linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. Fredd, "It don't mean nothin' indeed."

  5. Adrienne, you have to watch out for them Big-Assed Pickem me up trucks vs. them Little-Assed Pickem me up trucks.

  6. I detest Smart Cars. They're so small. Their size allows them to "hide" in parking space. When looking for a place to park in a crowded lot, just when you think you've found a spot there's that effing tin can. Very frustrating.

    And about that squirrel...those furry rat bastards are diabolical!

  7. Funny stuff. Long live the Ibuprofen! It's about the only thing keeping me going these days.

  8. Curmudgeon, you know I can't remember if I've ever seen a smart car, but I can remember your love affair with those furry critters.


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