Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Uncle Bernie The Moron


Bonus for our friend the Gruntsterman!



  1. The bonus question was the fun one... Poor baby.

    Anyway, yes there are a lot of college students who feel the Bern and want to live a life eating free cheese, endless on-campus orgies and likely free dope. They're the same people who would occupy Wall St. while living in their parent's basements.

  2. What LL said. That's about the size of it. You know there are people that will vote for him just to keep the Clinton's out of the white house. Now that's scary.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. LL, That pretty much nails it. Now let's all raise our bongs to Bernie.

  4. Sandee, vote Republican to keep Hillary out.

  5. There's no kind of buffoonery like Bernie buffoonery! Good stuff today, Odie, and thanks for the bonus! Love it!

  6. Grunt, That's your reward for being a faithful Bronco Fan.

  7. Can't say I'm surprised. These kids, products of a dysfunctional educational system to begin whith and, who are living in or just barely out of their parent's house have no idea what the real world is like.

    The only way to Hillary and Bernie out of the white house if for us grown ups to hold our collective noses and vote republican. That sucks I know, but at least the MSM will hold their feet to the fire while giving any democrat a massage and a pedicure.

    Loved the last one. The Broncos brought kryptonite to "super" Cam's super bowl.

  8. I just read a college woman's rebuttal to Gloria Steinem, who accused women of betraying the gods of feminism if they campaigned for Bernie.

    While I commend those young leftists for finally figuring out how silly Steinem is, the defense of Bernie makes me cringe at the utter ignorance of an entire generation.

  9. Odie, are you dissin' my man Vermin Supreme? He's the gold standard of sanity among Democrats!

  10. The Bernie trap was the best! Young pinko's are in tune with that ole socialist!

  11. Euripides, That whole movement is led by Dikes.

  12. Ron, ah yes ... the cheese is never free.


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