Monday, February 29, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XXXVIII

Thanks Lloyd


  1. Yes, I remember that one. Great stuff. "Ug, not my problem." Or words to that effect.

    Yeah, we all think times are tough now, but back oh man.

  2. Bwahahahahahahahaha. I'd not seen this before. Hubby and I loved it.

    Have a terrific Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  3. That's a bad day. I've been hit by seagull poop a couple of times. I'm sooooo glad they don't have pterodactyls at the beach nowadays. That would stink worse than a Bernie rally!

  4. Sandee, you guys don't get out muck huh.

  5. Grunt, nothing worse than Bernster farts.

  6. I guess the moral of the story is "don't kick little Dino"!

  7. Ron, I thought it was, "Use Fed Ex".

  8. oh this is priceless! Thanks- gotta share your link!


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