Sunday, May 4, 2014

You Might Be A Redneck…

 Red Neck Water Slide
 Red Neck Portable Deck
 Red Neck Faux Christmas Tree
 Red Neck Sandals
Red Neck Beer Cooler

Thanks David!


  1. I'm not a genuine redneck, but that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to learn.

  2. Well - I must be a redneck 'cause I think all those ideas are pretty clever.

  3. I see nothing wrong with any of these. I think I'm a bit of a redneck too.

    I linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Adrienne, I can picture myself doing the slide in my yute.

  5. Sandee, thank you and enjoy your redneckness.

  6. I like the last one especially. If your beer doesn't get cold enough, just run the spin cycle to cool those bottles down a bit.

    You could also use the spin cycle for industrial-sized mixed drinks.

  7. I've seen the deck a couple of times.

  8. The washing machine would make a great cooler as long as no one hits the spin cycle!

  9. All funny bu extra LOL @ those Redneck sandals :-)

  10. edutcher, of course you have. It moves around a lot.

  11. Proof, you and Euripides need to get together on this.

  12. can I be a NY redneck? have a great week my friend!:)

  13. That cooler looks great, but look out for that drunk who might hit the wash button!

  14. If I seez mah redneck chick in a pair o dem boots...izza leavin dat broad!

  15. Scotty, what ifin dat oil she be wearin?


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