Thursday, April 4, 2013

Relate, Relate, Relate . . .

 Discount for Senior Citizens? We all have our price.
 This Is Just Wrong
 The Old and The Young Having Fun

Two wrongs don't make a right.


  1. Ha! These are great! I love the two guys racing! Ah, the good old days when men were men and women were sleazy!

  2. Those are funny Odie :)

  3. Velcro, it's still that way, but there's about a 50 year age difference.

  4. I'm happy to report that I do not look like those old ladies that are showing those old lady bras. Not one bit.

    I'm going to go wash out my eyes now. Thanks. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  5. That second one reminds me of the time The Blonde's mom had to go to the hospital for something and spent a little time in a nursing home to convalesce.

    Management was afraid the little old ladies might get entangled in their bras, so they took them away. Imagine Herself when she walks in to find her Mom and the rest of the women going topless in protest.

    She later told me, "I never thought I'd see Mom going around singing, 'I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt'".

  6. You always find the funniest pics, Odie.

    I know you love nudie women and stuff. but please stick with a maximum age of 50.....those really old ones are just wrong.

  7. Edutcher, you really love screwing with my mind huh.

  8. These pics had me laughing Odie.

    But, yes, the pic of the old ladies showing their bras was most definitely wrong.

  9. What they say about that second childhood seems right!

  10. About that 3rd graphic....

    When spring finally arrives here, I expect Mr. AOW to challenge the kids on the block in a similar fashion. He's itching to race a vehicle of any kind!

  11. Teresa, they're almost my age for Pete sakes.

  12. Dude, just remember, aside from a couple of wrinkles, the woman in the last pic still has a better behind than many of the women from Walmart half her age.


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