Monday, April 22, 2013

It's Been Too Long ~ The WalMartians Are Back

 Doode, you're great, now step back a bit.
 Did the fire sprinklers go on and I didn't notice?
 Class means something else at Walmart.
 See, I was right. It does mean something else. Now kick that little piece of crap across the store.
Yeah, he be cool . . .

I went to the source this time (LINK)


  1. Now I know what friends are for...I think.

  2. Friends shouldn't let friends go to WalMart.

  3. Randy, they pick things up for you at Walmart.

  4. Booti, where's your spirit of adventure?

  5. My grandmother used to wear those disposable rain thingies.

  6. Wow, brown bears on sale at Wal Mart...I gotta get me one! That little one on the shelf looks like a real Walmartian...someone take it home!

  7. Why, why, why??? - would you remind me of this when I have to go to Walmart tomorrow (or maybe today.)

    I've started to see this crap at the store I work at on the first of the month when the food stamp cards are filled up. People with 3/4 of their bodies covered in tats (and that's tons of ink because they are all super fat), disgusting holes in their ears the size of baseballs, and just generally filthy looking. Our tax dollars at work.

  8. I refuse to shop at Walmart. Refuse. This is why.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  9. I shop at WalMart for the lower prices, but I know that the experience is definitely shaped by which store I go to. Yes, the city ones can be awful, but the more rural ones are populated by unbelievably polite people. They reminded me of the WalMart in New Hampshire where we shopped at when we were on vacation... the employees AND the customers had manners... imagine that.

  10. We let these people vote and procreate.

  11. Haven't been in Walmart in about two years---no wonder I have these problems.

  12. Scott, he's a friendly little Walmartian too. He's flipping the old man off if you notice.

  13. Adrienne, that's my job. Oh, I have to go there on Thursday. Maybe I'll see you there.

  14. Sandee, I go there for one reason. Everything I need is usually there under one roof.

  15. Edutcher, and we call them Sheeples and low information voters.

  16. Cube, to be honest, my Walmart experiences are usually pretty good.

  17. I don't think it has been quite long enough.

  18. LOL! Those are great Odie :)

  19. Actually, that's low intelligence voters.

  20. Admiral, ah come on, I'll meet you there.

  21. 2T2, before your time but these are a tradition here.


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