Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's Been Too Long ~ The WalMartians Are Back II

 The daughter's shorts don't fit Mom.
 I'll bet you do lady .... um Sir.
 Sometimes you just don't feel like yourself.
 Go Grampa ... Grampas unite !
Have you seen Mable?

Yup, there's a site ... (LINK)


  1. I just don't understand how someone goes around in public that. Is there no more self respect for your personal appearance?

  2. Scott, better than a tricked out Toyota any day, huh.

  3. I haven't seen the Walmartians for some time and thought that they went back to the rock they crawled out from under. It's comforting to see that they're still among us.

  4. I've never seen anything that bad at Walmart... I guess it depends upon location.

  5. I have a serious case of the wants for that El Camino!

  6. I'm going to have to wash my eyes out with bleach now. You see this is why I don't go to Walmart. I can't look at this mess.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  7. Made it through my trip to Wally World yesterday. The store was blessedly full of nicely dressed, polite people. Even their new crop of "greeters" (who no longer stand by the front door) were exceptionally good looking older ladies and gents. The cashier was competent and very, very polite.

    I, however, was wearing my sweats, T-shirt, and tennies. hair was perfect and my makeup was applied in it's usual flawless manner. heh

    And for a change they had just about everything I was looking for.

  8. In the country, when they refer to the back 40, while they may mean acreage, they may not necessarily mean real estate.

  9. Some folks just don't give a flying-f**k about what others think. And thats a good thing most of the time. Quit worrying about how I dressed a long time ago.

  10. The scary thing is that these people probably think they look great.

  11. Is that one wearing panty hose only from the waist down? She doesn't have the ass for it.

  12. LL, I was there today looking for myself. I hate it when I fit right in though.

  13. Adrienne, I believe the operative word here was "Sweats".

  14. Edutcher, just as "men" means something completely different in San Francisco than it does in Dallas.

  15. Ron, admit it ... you and I fit right in.

  16. AOW, I've given up trying to figure out some of these.

  17. The short shorts were the worst of it.

  18. The most horrifying part is many of they are still able to pollute the gene pool.


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