Friday, February 8, 2013

Spot the 'Invisible' Animals III

 No 10:  There’s definitely a spotted deer in here!  Honest!
 No 11:  A white tailed ptarmigan!
 No 12: There’s an impala in here somewhere!
No 13:  A cheetah cub ~ Happy Feline Friday!

Thanks David !


  1. I finally had to enlarge the spotted deer picture to find it.

    I love these. Makes your eyes work overtime...

  2. Same here I had to look hard to spot it but got there in the end heheh!

    Have a fantabulous weekend ;-)

  3. Adrienne, I've seen these so much from moving them around, I can't stop seeing the animals.

  4. Steve, there are a couple tough ones. Scroll down the page to see the rest.

  5. These are getting harder and harder.

    Have a terrific Feline Friday. :)

  6. Sandee, that's weird, I thought they were getting easier.

  7. They are well hidden. I did find them. Good pictures and a great choice for FF to start the weekend.


  8. I love these too. I couldn't find the spotted deer at first. Then I got up to turn off the t.v. and when I turned back I saw him plain as day.

    I hope you keep finding these's fun!

    I am so glad someone else besides me knows that bobcats can and will be aggressive.

    A lot of people are surprised to find they are! I know they are!

    Keep on finding us goodies and happy weekend!:-)

  9. Jackie, there's another posting of these on the way.

  10. Finding that impala was the one that stumped me.

  11. Well that was fun! Thanks!

  12. Can I take the cheetah cub home? Can I please? Huh? Can I?

  13. Couldn't find the Impala, but that's to be expected as I lost one in New Orleans after a nite of drunken debauchery in the Vieux Carre (french quarter). Eventually found the beast after hours of searching, but just didn't have time today for another hunt---and the reward was not as great.

  14. Impala, what Impala?

    I don't even see a Mustang, much less an Impala

  15. Started at the bottom, worked my way up. Got them all. I love these. Thanks.

  16. Yeah, these are tough to spot. A real challenge.

    Are those ptarmigans from the ptundra? (from an old Pogo joke).


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