Friday, August 31, 2012

The Other Side . . .

Thanks David !


  1. I always said I guy like him could get elected...but I still can't believe it actually happened.

  2. There damn sure is no doubt about Obama!Repeal the socialist! I like it!

  3. He wants to spread the wealth, we want to spread prosperity... Now there's a concept I can get behind...

  4. Romney is an improvement on Obama. Purists may prefer another candidate, but we can't afford to lose focus now. We MUST repeal the Socialist!

  5. The "News Corpse"...HAAA. Sounds like an Obuma quote...Good one!

  6. The only hope and change we are going to get is to elect Romney. We can't stand another four years of Oblamer.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. I love the Bush vs Obama pic and the one with the IRS thug... Because that is going to be a stone-cold reality!

  8. Race, we're all still in shock after four years.

  9. Opie, and I say to you also, communists need not apply.

  10. Brooke, that's why we all need to vote.

  11. Those are all good Odie, expecially like the one at the top had not seem it before and as you know I do a lot of looking and stealing!

  12. He has a record now, so those who unfortunately voted for President Obama in 2008 because of the "historical meaning" now know what's in store for us if he gets 4 more years. No excuses this time.

  13. Nicely done, sir.

    The one with Mr Netanyahu and Choom is equally devastating

  14. Lady, this country won't survive another four years.

  15. What a chump BO is in that first set! Looks like he's going to try and sell you some pot!

  16. Like the juxtaposition of Dubya in his flight suit and Choom smoking a joint, trying to look "cool", there's one that came out after the bitch slapping Mr Netanyahu gave Zero on world TV showing the same view of Barry and a pic of Bibi in his Israeli commando gear.

    Didn't mean to confuse you.

  17. Edutcher, So what you're trying to say is Community Organizers should stay in their communities ... right?

  18. The more BO powergrabs and shows that he hates America the more Mitt grows on me. Mitt is so much better than Obama. Let's vote the socialist out of office.


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