Wednesday, August 1, 2012


What is the  meaning of courage? 

Is it to fight a bull in a bullfight without any weapon? 

Is it to fly a fighter plane in combat? 

Is it to practice free fall parachuting?

Is it bungee jumping, white water rafting? 

Rubbish....... those are nothing!


THIS, my friend, is COURAGE!!!

This is the last picture I have of my dog "Lucky".


  1. Looks like Lucky got Lucky then was unlucky! If you've gotta go.....!

  2. Dogs will take a shot at anything.

  3. Admiral, he wasn't able to find that inviting leg that day.

  4. "Catch a tiger by the tail"
    u r doin it wrong

  5. This reminds me of some young pups out there chasing "Cougars". They better watch out when the tables get turned.

  6. Bwahahahahahaha. Hubby and I both had a good laugh at this one. Yes, that's courage in all caps.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. Inno, get in there and show Lucky how.

  8. Scott ... tough to say ... I think the Tiger likes it.

  9. Our Yorkie, Sherlock (3 1/2 pounds of raging canine fury), took on a bull mastiff he thought was getting too close to The Blonde.

    It was considered a draw.

    Sherlock was hanging by the mastiff's wattles, growling and worrying at the beast and the mastiff was unconcernedly wondering where all the noise was coming from.

  10. I was going to make a comment about lucky finding a pu**y, but I decided not to say pu**y because it might get somehow misconstrued... somehow.

  11. Velcro, no big deal we're all family here.

  12. The Jefferson Starship song "Ride the Tiger" just came to mind......Poor Lucky

  13. DS, I'm sure happy for Lucky, but at the same time I miss him.

  14. Looks like Lucky was first lucky than unlucky. What a way to go!

  15. Teresa, you know we guys think with our ...


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