Sunday, August 26, 2012

Humor Based On Life

Thanks David !


  1. Funny stuff, Odie!
    I hope your weekend is going great. It's too hot here.

  2. Bunni, making money because I refuse to participate in Obama's economy.

  3. This batch of democrats are the biggest idiots I've ever seen. Let's not forget about California and Moonbeam Brown either. This state sucks and they want the rest of the country to follow.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  4. Slogans that we now have to live by.

    Thanks, Odie.

  5. Turn it into a PowerPoint slide show and it's a great Romney/Ryan ad.

  6. Edutcher, anything Obama is a great ad for our side.

  7. Federal health care is a sick joke. Great ones Odie.

  8. So many truths in such a short post!

  9. The nation is broke thanks to the policies of both parties, but I only see one admitting the truth and willing to put forth an effort to fix this damn mess. Many steal some of the above.


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