Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oh No ... I'm Running Out Of Signs


  1. I agree with the last one. But that should change in say, 15-25 years, won't be fair!

  2. You have had twice as long as some to find MORE signs!! Heh.

  3. How funny, somebody else knows my ex wife...

  4. They are all good and I worked for that boss. Just saying.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  5. That Co-Pilot one? I've engraved that exact message on red/white plastic for a customer before. There's even a slim chance that is my work. So now I'm like all Internet Famous and stuff. Yay!

  6. Race, I don't use senior discounts. I find it demeaning.

  7. Sandee, we've all worked for that boss.

  8. Inno, so how about next time sign the thing. I sign my work.

  9. I have had to put up something like the pilot's first point wrt computers for The Blonde.

    Her first computer class ended when she turned it on and I L V U appeared and it crashed. When asked what happened, she said, "It said, 'I love you' and died".

    And then "they took it away on a little gurney".

    You can take the nurse out of the hospital, but...

  10. Odie, SHE tells that story every chance she gets.

    And loves the reaction she gets.

    As she loves to say, "The hair is real".

  11. Edutcher, what's that like? Hair I mean.

  12. Stopsign, I miss you lady ... welcome back!


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