Saturday, January 15, 2011

More De-Motivational Posters IV ...

Let's do this again !
 The Gangsta Look done right ...
 I'll be good, I'll be good!
 The Original football "LT" could be a very scary dude ...
... Or a chorus line somewhere.


  1. Odie, I find I click on your posts first thing in the morning nowadays. I must be in need of the laughs. Keep it up.

  2. I'll be good, Oops I mean I'll TRY to be good :-)

  3. The kid in the first pic is the "before" and the last pic is the "after." What happened in between is not to be discussed.

  4. I think I saw that episode of lost. Is he one of the others?

  5. These were goo! Inno made a good observation.

  6. Bunni, I know, you have to watch that Inno.

  7. Great pics! That guy looks a little too happy playing in his undies.

  8. Odie, Yes (Some days) if you want to learn how to wash a cat look at my page :-)

  9. Teresa, I thought that was a handkerchief.

  10. Stopsign, you're such a trickster ... when you first started coming here you didn't have a blog ... I CHECKED. You're stuck with me now!

  11. These are great after a long day. I definitely feel like don't move...

  12. and your STUCK with me too! for better or WORSE.. LOL(I really enjoy your blog)
    Pssst! Since I'm new at this I may yell HELP sometime.

  13. That's a good one. I'll link it in the Sunday Links post.

  14. Supi, I'm so glad I could help with reasons to "Just Sit There".

  15. Stopsign, helping bloggers is what I really enjoy doing. I know you've been to Woodsterman Practice II, but there is a Woodsterman Practice. That's where I'm setting up some "How To" videos to help you with the nuts and bolts of blog design. I'm still working on it, but check it out. It's on my sidebar here.

  16. Matt, thank you sir! I'll check it out.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.