Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Walmartians Are Coming

How about let’s not!
 I just get speechless over these! I think there's a surprise under one skirt.
 I think she’s stuffed tighter than a marshmallow.
How-to knot tying books are on aisle #5.

They're here .... Thanks Dan


  1. Christopher, can't get wachamacallit out of a turnip.

  2. Picture 5 Is she wearing an apron for a top?

  3. Supi, that's photo #4, and I haven't the foggiest. What ever it is ... it ain't enough.

  4. ..oh, Odie, I was just headed out to get a steak-n-egg breakfast burrito at Carl's. Think I'll stop by the Rite Aid instead for some Pepto Bismal.

  5. These are DEMOCRATIC voters.

    These people likely drive cars on the same roads you do.

    I'm sure that they're also on welfare.

    They're pillars of the ObamaNation!

  6. Christopher, I may sue for the damage done to my eyes!

  7. The last pic, oh my! Please lady, no more public displays of tits. Do these people look at themselves before they leave the house?

  8. I find myself humming the tune to "Do Your Ears Hang Low".

  9. Opus #6 wins the caption contest. Now, excuse me, but I have to wash my eyes out with soap to erase these images from my brain....

  10. LL, how can you make these assumptions? Stupid question ... huh?

  11. Righty, did Christopher talk you into coming here? Good for him!

  12. Teresa, if you looked like that would look at yourself?

  13. Opie, you crack me up and scare me at the same time. I almost used that for the caption. Like minds ... Opstergal.

  14. Euripides, what you're looking for is called brain bleach. Read above to Opie. You won't believe it. I went with knot tying books instead.

  15. My eyes are burning....OW! I need to stop putting so much bleach them.

  16. Maybe there is something to be said for burkhas after all.

  17. Starsplash, keep em burning, it's your only defense.

  18. banned, who'd a thunk a culture straight out of the dark ages might be onto something.


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