Friday, October 29, 2010

The Walmartians Are Coming IV

 Hmmm ...
 Let it all hang out ...
 Pimp Daddy guards his main ho ...
Glad the young 'un got him a good edumacashun!


  1. Oh Lord. Seeing Walmart photos makes me wish for the '40's and '50s.

  2. I am glad I have not been treated to those views when I go to Walmart.

  3. Scrumptious, Odie. Scrumptious.

  4. Walmart's new slogan...
    "Everyday is Halloween at Walmart".
    Have a great weekend, Odie.

  5. Supi, people were definitely dressed better then.

  6. Nickie, You liked that word I threw out there over at your place, huh.


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