Thursday, April 22, 2010


This financial crisis is forcing California 
agencies to make some tough decisions.
There's a real risk that we may 
have to lay off Jose.


  1. Better not lay anybody off without talking to the Union Chief first. We need to have some hearings. Appoint a special committee to look into it. Maybe some non-binding arbitration. Why doesn't Jose have a fancy title like the other guys? I think he should have a title like "Mineral Extraction Engineer" otherwise you're a bunch of racists.

  2. Innominatus, I'm sorry but the "Mineral Extraction Engineer" must be laid off to balance the budget. They can stretch the federal bailout money just so far. After all, one of these guys is getting a sex change operation paid for by the taxpayers. Jose's wages will just cover it.

  3. Jose is an illegal alien. You're all under investigation.

  4. Yup, it takes that many blokes to dig holes in England too but they would all be wearing construction hard hats to show how big and tough they are when they get back to their offices.

  5. Well Jose Basterd, your pink slip is on its way.

  6. Jake, Jose became legal with the first amnesty. Now he's just some poor smuck like the rest of us. He's not afraid of work and gives it 100%, but he makes the others look bad.

  7. Oh no, Jose will soon be placed in an environmental inpact post with the EPA. All Govt. contracts over 25 million must now be union jobs per Executive order. His job must be now completed by five more men as he has breathed noxious sewer gas for so long. He will now testify before Congress and demand compensation as dmanded by the ACLU.

  8. Well Scott, you really have a handle on the situation.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.