Thursday, October 21, 2010

Squirrels In The Bird Feeder ?

Worried about squirrels getting into your bird feeder??

Good rope, huh ?
Only  in Canada would you see a sign like this!
Fort Steele is near Cranbrook  ....

Thanks David ...


  1. PMSL Odie you are priceless!...has bells in it and smells of pepper (howl, goes to fetch mop)

  2. Believe the bears are connecting the sounds of bells means spicy dinner.

  3. Indy, I guess you approve then. It is a fun one alright.

  4. Supi, you believe what ever you like. On our walk yesterday morning (@7:30 and 31 degrees) there were about 3 trash "sheds" torn apart by bears during the night. They don't need no stinking bells ... trust me.

  5. OK, this made me laugh at 7:00 in the morning (which hurts even more than making me laugh at 8:00 in the morning like you did the other day). I'm gonna have to stop reading your posts in the morning out of self preservation.

    That and wear little bells and carry pepper spray.

  6. Bears are clever. I never knew that they'd do THAT to get at a little bird seed.

  7. Be just as well to use pepper spray as deoderant and breath freshener with/for grizzlys.

  8. Euripides, Good luck with the bells and pepper spray. Chances are when you finally get out there, the bear will be napping from the meal of the last guy with bells and pepper spray.

  9. LL, a couple of months ago a bear went into a house, up the street, after peach cobbler.

  10. Starsplash, we all have our secret weapons. I hear gravy works pretty good.

  11. Odie - Trash sheds mean buffet.

  12. They definitely work, don't they, Christopher.

  13. Adorable pics and hilarious sign. Bunni would love it.


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