Sunday, March 26, 2023

It's Funday Ever-Body ~ 1


Thanks FBers


  1. Hate to tell ya, but Madge was never that good-looking; all Roseanne had to do was lose some weight.

    1. edutcher, Madonna never did anything for me either.

  2. Here's some history. The Drive In Theater Manufacuring Company DIT-MCO that used to make those speaker systems very successfully switched over to building electrical harness continuity testing systems that are widely used in Aerospace and other applications. The machines are called DIT-MCO's to this very day and many people don't ever realize why.

    1. Mikey, "a lot of people don't know that." -Benny Hill.

  3. I've got a set of the drive in speakers in my shop from the Magnolia Drive In in Charleston SC . Helped tear it down 40yrs ago. Didn't know what I was doing at the time.

    1. Birdchaser, My first drive in was Peter Pan in my pajamas then the African Queen in my pajamas ... again. Fast forward to the 60s and my friends and I were paying for two of us then four got out of the trunk once in. I really miss those days, and I would gladly give that money for those four in the trunk if it would have kept the Drive ins open.


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