Friday, February 24, 2023

It's Still Snowing ~OR~ It's Funderwhoopee Friday ~ PM

 Thanks FBers


  1. remember the metal dial that left you with a daily black ring around the tip of the index finger

  2. #5) I pretty sure I was more than five miles away from home. We didn't have mom taxis back then. If you wanted to go to the matinee or anywhere else, you rode your bike or walked.

    1. Edward, I did most of that closer than 5 miles. Even the surfing beach was only 4.7 miles with a trailer hooked on to the bike seat with the surfboard on it.

  3. Titanic one...could also be PA. Toilet paper....A, if you have a cat, B, if you don't.

  4. The Great Toilet Paper Debate. No debate to me. The original patent shows "B" so that is the correct way.

    1. Feral Ferret, you're the first person I know to look up the toilet paper patent.

  5. It's B even the US Patent for it shows the roll going over not under, remember mullets are bad

    1. oninoqb, Well I'll be, you're the second to look up the patent on toilet paper.

  6. Look at the original patent. It's B.

    PS Is that Jimmy Stewart cheating on his best girl, Olivia deHavilland?

    1. edutcher, Hello number three. It could have been before or after her also. Left to right: Lucille Ball, Henry Fonda, Ginger Rogers, and yes Jimmy Stewart.

    2. Doesn't look much like Lucy, but what do I know? And Jimmy threw Olivia over for a B-17. Before, they were quite an item for several years.

    3. edutcher, Lucy and Henry were in a movie together called "The Big Street."


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.