Saturday, October 22, 2022

Airline Hostess ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ 1

Other Mile High Club Rule 5 ers:


  1. The stewardi were everyman's glamor girl back when.

    1. 1979: I flew from Amsterdam to Fort Meyers. Yep, that cute stewardess was on the beach the next day. A vision that's still burned into my brains 43 years later.

    2. Henk Vanderbergh, I know what you mean. I surfed near LAX and was always running into hot stewardesses.

  2. Why yes, I would like to join the mile high club

  3. Why are these girls never on the flights that I take? The last time I flew, the stewardess was so fat that she had to turn sideways to move down the aisle.


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