Saturday, May 14, 2022

Pistol Babe ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


  1. I've seen this in a bunch of places and although it turned out for the best, "Pistol Babe" as you call her could have very easily killed that little girl that was DIRECTLY behind the bad guy. When she cracked that first round off her weapon was pointed right at that girl's head so it's damn lucky that the bullet stopped somewhere in him. Never fire your weapon when bystanders are behind your target.

    1. Matthew, oh come on ... it had a happy ending. The guy died later in the hospital.

    2. Look more closely, Matthew, frame by frame if you have to. She is aiming down, from point blank, so if there was a pass through. it would come out his ass, and hit pavement a foot behind him. She knew exactly what she was doing. Oh, and that was his last ever "oh shit" moment, Allah be praised.

    3. Nope, sorry. As I said, I have seen this many times before and I actually have examined it frame by frame. If that first round had passed through our perp, that little girl's brains would have been splattered all over the woman trying to drag her away.

      Are we looking at a happy ending here? You bet! Definitely shoot the bad guys, I fuckin' love it. Of course, this was never on the news because the left would rather gouge their eyes out with molten knitting needles than face the fact that guns are used by the good guys every day to save lives. But if "Pistol Babe" had killed a bystander, we all know what would happen. The media would have gleefully done story after story about it, they would have interviewed the little girl's family down to her second cousins for 60 minutes. They would cover the police reports, the candlelight vigils, the funeral and the trial just to make it seem as though every gun owner is a ticking time bomb just waiting for a chance to open fire in a crowd. Politicians would happily stand on the little girl's corpse to rail against constitutional carry until they were blue in the face. The left would be beating this story like a rented mule and you both know it.

      I encourage you to ask ANY gun safety instructor worth their salt. You have to be aware of what is downrange of your target because if something goes sideways and someone gets hurt or killed, you're fucked. Your CCW insurance is not going to save you and the media is going to drag your ass all over the place along with every law-abiding gun owner.

      She had bystanders not just downrange but directly behind her target, period. That's a recipe for disaster for everybody, just ask Joel Souza, the guy standing behind Alec Baldwyn's victim Halyna Hutchins.

      So let this little video warm your hearts if you must, I don't give a shit, but Pistol Babe got away with one and that's all there is to it.

  2. Instead of kicking the perp in the arse she should have planted a soccer kick smack dab in his family jewels. He would have rolled over on his own.

  3. I have seen this before, on other sites, but without the sound. It makes it so much better to hear the "tough guy with a gun" whining like a little bitch when the tables are turned. We need to see a lot more of that shit.

    1. Patrick D, this was a copy sent to me. Someone got it before someone else could pussify it.

  4. Finally justice wins--great job that the lady did

  5. We need to see a lot more of this.

    1. Kid, I couldn't agree more, but Chucky Schumer has other ideas.

  6. I never get tired of seeing this! Thanks Odie!

  7. Kharma really is a bitch, Odie. Thanks for sharing this. You all be safe and God bless.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.