Sunday, November 28, 2021

Happy Funday ~ 1


Thanks FBers


  1. My welding skill is about the $20 buck area.. and I don't use GPS, I can read a map and know how a compass works (Boy Scout) and chips? I can eat a whole bag wondering if I want chips and then suffer the next day with swollen ankles from all the salt. As far as a turkey from Walter World, I have to buy the damn thing, I can't run worth a damn.

    1. Cederq, I haven't welded since high school, almost 60 years ago. I got a Wally World turkey this year. I paid for it too.

    2. I welded aluminum once using Oxygen and Acetalene torch. Never tried the electricamagil stuffs

    3. Kid, I also brazed in high school also.

  2. Love the pastryarchy and All In The Family is in reruns everywhere, so those must be grandchildren.

    1. edutcher, no it's really them from our Wayback Machine.

  3. The welding one is true of just about any "blue collar" profession. Framing, finish carpentry, drywall? You get what you pay for.
    Plumbing, electricial? In theory not hard and if you follow code, safe. BUT: in practice both are hard to do WELL.

    Pastryarchy: dad joke for sure.

    Cederq: Just go to WW, take the turkey, put a bib and diaper on it, tell security it's your baby and simply walk out with it.

    1. mer, and if you're union you'll get the same as the guy doing the $15.00 and hour weld.

  4. The Bunkers. That's funny !

    Automated attendants.. If you talk gibberish, you get a person much quicker. Like say "geedle gaddle fiddle faddle.. shock the monkey.... the creature puts the lotion on its skin... "

    1. I'll have to try that Kid, makes sense too! I hate with a passion those automated torture devices. When I become Dicktator for life, my first proclamation will be to permanently ban those.

  5. All I can say to the welder is that if he shows up every single work day, rain or shine and even if his feet hurt or he's hungover or his wife is being pissy or his mother is sick...I'll pay him 40/hr.

    If not, he's not worth $5 and hour.

    Reliability is as important as skill.


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