Sunday, November 7, 2021

A very well put argument for term limits for congress.

 Thanks David


  1. Even good 'ol bot Cruz didn't like that...

    1. Cederq, actually this was his idea to explore the idea and to invite this witness. I didn't play the whole thing. Cruz wants term limits.

    2. I admit that I based it on his less then content face when he said thank you... I wasn't aware he had invited him. I don't watch broadcast TV of any sort and very, very little of msm news on the web. I be ignorant...

    3. Cederq, The longer version is on YouTube. I found it after I posted this.

  2. Until the Federal Civil Service and ALL government unions are abolished, term limits won’t mean squat. The bureaucracy runs everything.

    1. Horatio Lust, not to start somewhere would be worse.


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