Thursday, October 7, 2021

It Must Be Libturd Thursday Afternoon


Thanks FBers


  1. Psaki is the true snowflake, I think.
    All good ones, Odie. Thank you. :)
    Be safe and God bless.

  2. 1 - 3, but the next to last.


  3. I don't care about the national debt. Let's increase it til we have to default on it. All the other countries will go Harump, Harrumph, Harrrumph for a while and we can just start over at zero, pay off a fwe dictators and all be good again for another 50 years.

    1. Kid, I think it could cause a world depression before the dust settles.

  4. Ever notice it's always Medicare and Social Security that's gonna run out of money but never EBT/WIC, Medicaid, Section 8, utility subsidies, foreign aid and social services freely handed out to illegals? Manchin is an idiot for even stating this.

    1. WDS, I know what you mean, but I think he just chose his words poorly.

  5. Social Security and Medicare are just two more welfare programs that should be abolished. I've been getting taxed to support other people's retirements and medical expenses for over 30 years now. All I've gotten in exchange is empty promises that when I retire the government will steal money from younger people to pay for *my* retirement and medical expenses. No thanks. I don't like being robbed, and I don't want to receive stolen money. Had the Feds not been stealing from me for all these decades I'd be in a position to retire *now*. I'll never get *my* money back, but they could at least stop robbing me...but of course they won't. Too many people think they're *entitled* to my money because *they* got robbed too. Bah.

    Abolish ALL forms of taxpayer-funded welfare! SS, MC, Medicaid, WIC, TANF, SNAP, AFDC...all of it.

    1. jabrwok, I put into it too, and so did everyone that is receiving it too. It's hardly welfare. My complaint is I wasn't allowed to invest the 15% myself. We'd all be millionaires by now. When you allow liberals, who don't understand economics, to control the purse strings you're asking for trouble. Kind of like we're witnessing now. But hey, you new this 30 years ago, so why didn't you prepare?


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.