Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday Afternoon Skipisms


Thanks Skip


  1. Those were funny, I don’t care who you are.😁

  2. Replies
    1. Antidote, now I'm sorry I deleted the next two. This could have been a lot of fun.

  3. I once knew the guy who worked for the Carter Campaign and his job was to keep Billy Carter drunk and out of sight. Biden should have hired him to babysit Hunter.

    1. Mikey, that's OK, that's what Trump does with me. I'm at an unknown location feeling pretty damn good.

  4. I was18,stationed at Keesler, Biloxi Mississippi. Billy was approached by a reporter and asked a question. He turned and started answering. He was absolutely coherent and making perfect sense. That was contradictory to everything I had come to expect and very much not what anyone would expect. When he saw the camera he turned and walked quickly away.
    I was WAITING for the news at ten, expecting a big story about how Billy is only pretending to be a moron..
    Didn't happen.

    1. Justin_O_Guy, most of us know that Jimmy was the moron.

  5. Thanks for these, Odie. Definitely funny ones.

  6. No, even the lying dogfaced pony soldier can't expunge Bucketmouth's record.

    1. edutcher, that's good. We don't want that to happen.


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