Thursday, June 4, 2020

From The Woodsterman Bunker ~ Libturd Thursday 2

Thanks Facebook Peeps

As I sit in my bunker I wonder why the democrats want a total destruction of this wonderful country. Oh, don't be fooled, there's a reason all the riots are taking place in the democrat controlled cities.

These bands of cowards need to be separated because they get their courage from the group. Take that away and they're cowards from mommy and daddy's basement. Please have no doubt about that. Cut off their head then divide and conquer.

If they come to the suburbs ... well, you know what to do.

Don't "be safe" as democrats want us ... BE RUTHLESS!


  1. Everyone of these is a winner!

  2. Why I supported Trump early. He fights back.

  3. edutcher, it's nice to have the every 100 years or so in a republican.

  4. Thank you Odie, you da MAN! I will be as ruthless as I can. With my Swedish blood coursing in my veins, I will be a Berserker! Every one is a social/psychopath with the right trigger. I don't slay my demons, I feed them now...

  5. So, people can rub elbows in WalMart but can't go vote. What a load of BS. So what happens when 147% of the population votes in these democrat hellholes.

  6. On a Judicial Watch video, a Senator said they found 240 counties in 29 states reporting more than 100% of registered voters.

    I do not wonder why they want to destroy our country. America is founded under God. The ruler of this world hates God. America stands in the way of the wicked. The wicked are consumed with lust for power. They want to control every person. But God has overcome the world. Meanwhile, we do what is just. We ensure it. This is my stand.


  7. ...stands in the way.... I mean, stands opposed.


  8. Cederq, We the People are tired of They the Thugs.

  9. Rick, these cowards have been destroying democrat cities because the dem mayors back them. "What's a few businesses if we can get rid of Trump?" As Hollywood, Dem politicians, and criminals say.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.