Sunday, January 26, 2020

Pro Bowl Isn't Really Football ... So ... Funday I

Thanks Booksterfaces


  1. My pick for today: The Walmartian checkout line.

    Happy Sunday everybody.

  2. I applaud Curmudgeon... he alone has determined what is wrong in our culture and society. A culture of no shame. Brought to you in Technicolor by Wall Mart , condensed and sweetened.

  3. Even if they filled the bags, wouldn't help on the road from Cheyenne to Laramie.

    1. Every time my load takes me on I-80 through Wyoming, those overhead signs warn of high winds. I'm thankful when the load is near maximum weight.

  4. Curmudgeon, it really didn't need a comment. It stood there by itself just fine, huh.

  5. Cederq, "He" is a lovely southern lady, but you're dead on about the Walmart Coulture.

    Here is where she hangs her bonnet:

  6. edutcher, same with between Reno and Carson City.

  7. Curmudgeon, Hmm, one usually associates that description to a man. I suppose it works well with the fairer sex...

  8. Good stuff. I wonder if some people with tattoos just go in and get the weekly special.

  9. It is funny, cuz, (she) is on my blog list and I read (her) after I read you going down my list every morning and I never, ever defined that (he) was a (she). I haven't figured out if I attribute that to naivety or ignorance.

  10. Thanks for pointing Cederq in my direction. Is it any wonder I love thee?

  11. Oh Curmudg, I have always been pointed in your direction, your humor is right upside Woodsterman in it's breadth and frivolity.

  12. Cederq I wish I were one-quarter the humorist Odie is, nonetheless I appreciate the compliment. Take care out there.

  13. Sweet Pea and Cederq, looks like you two are answering all of your questions of each other.

  14. Mark, I hear you. We have that same thing between Reno and Carson City on Hwy 395. They close the road to trucks very often.


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