Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hey Little Girl

Thanks Alex


  1. Riding a Japanese bike is like screwing a fat chick. It might feel
    good, but you wouldn't want to let your buddies see you doing it!

    Harley Davidson rules. Live to schlep, schlep to live.

  2. Forget the crotch rockets.. Gimme a hog.

  3. I've high-sided Hondas, then picked them up and ridden them home. They are nearly indestructible pieces of precision engineering. A Harley-Davidson, however, will pass everything but a repair garage. Their signature engine which vibrates like an earthquake was derived from chopping up old surplus radial aircraft engines, and they now deliberately make them that way today. That is the very definition of bad engineering practice. Their insistence on shoehorning that crappy engine into the Buells sabotaged them. Erik Buell's designs were marvels and way ahead of their time, and could easily have dominated F1GP with a decent engine.

    Harley-Davidson is all marketing aimed straight at poseurs. If you want a quality American bike, buy an Indian.

  4. Unknown, I believe we have a difference of opinion below. Stay Tuned!

  5. Curmudgeon, I guess to each their own, huh.

  6. Jar(egg)head, sounds like you know a lot more than I do. I know I see the Harley's in shops more and their riders with stiff backs. SHIT ... I'm a Pick-up man.

  7. jarhead gots it right, buy an Indian if ya want a good American made bike.

  8. Ceberq, OK I'll file that away with if it happens, which it won't, I'll know all about it ... LOL.

  9. My sweetie rides a gorgeous Ducati each his own!

  10. Kathe W, And another brand heard from. What's keanu Reeves' calling his new line ... that's right ... the "Arch".

  11. m9777, thank you for that brand contribution.

  12. Odie, I am speaking of their motorcycles. Autos...dunno.

  13. edutcher, Oh you mean Father vs Child Molester?

  14. m9777, most of their car drivers in these parts are from San Francisco and are real assholes! That's what I know about them.

  15. I had a 79 Sportster that had the Harley throb. Anytime I had a girl on the back I would have to help her dismount as she had experienced the Milwaukee vibrator. Life was good.

  16. tsquared, sounds like when there's a girl on the back, timing is everything.


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