Friday, July 6, 2018

Still Having Fun Friday

Stolen from my Facebook friends.

Getting ready for my Arts and Crafts Show, Busy, Busy, Busy!


  1. Love 5 and 6 (The Blonde had an encounter with one of those stealth cop trucks), but 2 is very cool.

  2. With temps ranging from the low 90s and higher throughout the nation, the "No Pool No Problem" pic hits the spot.

    My second favorite was the sneaky fishing license pic.

    Have a wonderful weekend everybody and stay cool literally and figuratively.

    And remember...'MURICA!

  3. edutcher, I keep trying to pick a favorite, but alas I couldn't. That's why I posted 9 instead of one.

  4. Curmudgeon, that sneaky Fish and Game guy gets around.

  5. They're all memes to live by. I may steel that space command photo (top).

  6. LL, Uncle Sam needs you in the New Space Corp!

  7. How in the hell did the game warden/PD SUV end up in the water in THAT position? I can see it maybe happening the other way - non-parallel. How could the driver not have seen what was about to happen? Asleep maybe...I guess. Or they were viewing your site and got distracted by the boobage pics? :)

  8. The alien and the HGTV ones are more truth than fiction...


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