Thursday, July 26, 2018

Some More Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun

Thanks Facebookers


  1. #4 - Makes me feel uneasy - I like meat lovers pizza or at a minimum the inverse of what is in the picture ( A little pineapple on a large pizza, not little pizzas on a big piece of pineapple. ) Actually, I don't think I've ever had pineapple and pizza together unless someone slipped it into one of those breakfast pizzas we used to get at work and I just didn't notice it because of the bacon.

  2. 2.

    Reminds me of the trip The Blonde and I took to Florida.

    The only place worse was Hawaii. All the place names have 20 consonants and 5 vowels

  3. Edward, I "borrowed" that from a guy that believes pineapple on pizza is a far too girly thing. EAT MEAT!

  4. edutcher, Where I live we get people from the "Bay Area" driving to Reno that think they own the left lane. The best part is when they get next to a truck. They freeze and go the same speed as the truck for 5 miles.

  5. I like the pothole one the best. My kind of humor.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  6. I always appreciated this, and wish more cops would do it. Maybe some clueless drivers might get a clue.

  7. Sandee, our pothole money went to illegals, and then they taxed us 12 cents a gallon to make up the short fall.

  8. Holy shit Woody, you made Doug Ross ! I need an autograph ! 😂


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