Tuesday, January 9, 2018

We Love The Funny Stuff On Tuesday

Thanks Facebuds


  1. That second is an oldie, but always a goodie.

  2. I'm so sick of listening to celebrities tell us how things are. How would they know.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  3. I need to try that stuffed pants thingy except make it a stuffed shirt. Erica kitteh has taken to draping herself on my shoulder at night in bed (while I'm lying on my side.) Last night I gave up on trying to even shut off the light. But then............my shoulder started to hurt. Did I move her? Oh, hells no! Disturb the kitteh? Never. She finally got the hint and headed for the foot of the bed.

  4. edutcher, it's not that old. Just yesterday I asked my waitress for a quickie.

  5. Sandee, they know because they ask their chauffeurs.

  6. Adrienne, Kitteh goes to the foot of the bed because you're just too hot.


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