Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Omelette

 Thanks Dan


  1. It needed to be said. And in other news, Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) congratulated "Doug Moore" on his victory in the Alabama Senate race. The guy's effing name is Doug Jones. What a moron!

  2. I've had those very same thoughts often.

  3. I think this gal has some issues with morons. Wait, men.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  4. If she would just make me a sammich I wouldn't have to cook the stupid egg thing

  5. Curmudgeon, but can she make a fucking omelette?

  6. Adrienne, I have a friend that has a weeks supply of Campbell's soup on hand for when his wife leaves town. He can't even cook a hotdog.

  7. Unknown, I don't make those eggy thingys either. I make a great homemade Egg-McMuffin that I call an "Egg-McOdie".

  8. my god she speaks Sailor! I think I'm in love!


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