Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Observations . . . .

Thanks David


  1. I get it Odie. Sheesh, you gotta draw the line somewhere.

  2. Nurses have the same type shirt as 5.

  3. Love the last one the best. You do have to draw the line somewhere and that's a good place.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. Keep up the good work. ☺

  4. The top one reminds me of getting gas at Costco - except in reverse - sort of. Almost everyone pumps gas into their car on the driver side. So when approaching the pumps at Costco the right lanes will have oodles of people lined up and the left side will be dang near empty. Why? So people don't have to drag the pump across their car, which is actually no big deal. Makes me laugh as I swoop into the left lane to fill my tank.

  5. Adrienne, there are cars with the filler upper on the the other side, but 75 % are on the drivers side. In this photo it's 50 - 50 whooda thunk.

  6. Who is so lazy they can't park their car with the gas tank door facing the pump!


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