Friday, August 18, 2017

Sunday Gardener

Thanks David


  1. DAYUM. I've been redoing my landscaping at Casa de Curmudgeon. I never would have resorted to using a dune buggy to yank out that bush. I guess I lack imagination.

  2. So funny! Looks like something I could have done. Also funny - my tree guys are coming today to chainsaw out three sea green junipers that are so far out of control that I have deemed them expendable. This is what happens when you don't think 20 years ahead when you landscape. Guilty.

    I took out the two with a hand saw by the back deck after years of pruning to keep them under control. Not up for that kind of labor anymore.

    1. Adrienne, sounds like you're becomin a Gin Distiller.

  3. I hear ya Miss A. I had to replace an emerald green arborvitae on Wednesday that perished in the oppressive heat. The nursery had to load it in the car using a hand truck. Luckily when I got home my neighbor was outside and helped me get it out of the car. My yard guy needed his helper to get it out of the container and lift it into the hole he dug for it. Hope you're doing well.

    1. Curmudgeon, I have four gardens in front and at least one is meeting its maker this summer. Well hell, I first planted them 36 years ago. I need new plants, soil, the works.

  4. I fought the hedge and the hedge won. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Odie. ☺


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