Monday, January 23, 2017

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style LXXXVIII


  1. Bwahahahahahahaha. That guy didn't know he could move so fast. Good one.

    Have a beartastic Awww Monday, Odie. ☺

  2. Sandee, as long as there are plenty of trash cans he's probably OK.

  3. Trailbee, yes, nothing but the best trash cans.

  4. Beary close call...

    Hope you are staying warm & dry! What is your snow depth?

  5. Another good reason not to walk around with you puss in your phone.

  6. When you're a predator, any stupid prey is fair game. He's lucky it was just a bear. Could have been a pack of Democrats!

  7. hahahah pay attention to where you are!

  8. I'm pretty sure a change of underwear was next on his "to do" list. Love it..

  9. Brig, work work work ... I think there's about 6 or 7 feet of snow. It's hard to tell because we've having to stick it everywhere.

  10. Adrienne, yup them bears are everywhere.

  11. DrillerAA09, I'm surprised he could still move.

  12. It is so sad to see folks glued to a phone screen who do not have a clue that an entire world is all around them. Still, that was funny Odie! Thanks


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