Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Libtardia Tuesday

Thanks Facebook Buddies


  1. I love Gary Sinise. He's spot on.

    Yes I wonder about these things all the time too. I figured out a long time ago that we are supposed to do what they say. Not them, just the rest of us.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. In answer to the last one, how's 'bout we forget the shovel and go straight to the flamethrower and some C-4?

  3. Sandee, he's one of the genuine good guys in these times.

  4. edutcher, i tried to post it so it wouldn't draw too much attention.

  5. On the last question, I'm thinking a bulldozer will be required to remove the Clinton Crap.

  6. Euripides, it would have to be a D9. A D8 would get bogged down.

  7. These are fabulous, Odie! Thanks...relaly good.

  8. I was going to recommend a "Back-ho" instead of the shovel ... but the D9 will do nicely.


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