Thursday, June 30, 2016

This Guy Can Sing . . . Martin Hurkens

Thanks Hal


  1. A beautiful way to start our day- thank you!

  2. Wow!

    As an aside, what a bunch of attractive people in Maastricht, and what a beautiful place.

    My dream

    In 2010, my youngest daughter signed me up for the RTL program ‘Holland’s Got Talent” behind my back. After some hesitation, I decided to participate in this great program. Without having any expectations about how far I would come, I reached the finale. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would win the final. It really was a fantastic experience! As being an unemployed baker, a new world was suddenly opening up for me! Singing has always been my hobby and now there was an opportunity to turn my hobby into my profession, so I seized it with both hands.

    After winning the finale, I received more and more requests for performances. In addition to these performances I also recorded a video clip in the centre of Maastricht of the song: “You raise me up ‘. Without even knowing this video became incredibly popular on YouTube and Social Media. The video has been watched all over the world and before I knew new requests came in from China, Taiwan and Japan. This resulted in several trips to these beautiful countries to sing in front of thousands of people.

    Meanwhile, I am grateful to have given wonderful performances in several countries such as China, Taiwan, Japan, Italy, France, Turkey and Germany. Furthermore, in the Netherlands I am lucky enough to perform with the best Harmonies, Fanfares and Symphony orchestras. For me, this is a real pleasure to do!

    At this moment I am booked for a performance in New York City and a big tour in China. That’s why I say, “you may always dream, and sometimes they will even come true.”

  3. Wow, he's fabulous.

    Thanks for starting my morning off with a smile.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. Grunt, a little different for here, but we can all use a change on occasion.

  5. Adrienne, when Hal sent me the link to the video he also included a couple of sentences about Martin Hurkens being an unemployed baker. Thank you for adding the Bio.

  6. Sandee, thank you for enjoying the tender side of Woodsterman.


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