Saturday, June 11, 2016

Fishing ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

I need to get me a Ken Rod for trout fishing!

Other Fishing Rule 5 ers:


  1. You need to get a Barbie rod girl to fish for you!

  2. I think Brig might be on to something, Odie. I know I enjoyed watching Jacqueline Bisset scuba diving for barracuda off Bermuda in the movie "The Deep." She didn't have a Barbie rod, but she kinda used herself as bait, so it was nearly the same thing, I think.

  3. I might have actually taken up fishing if there had been fishing buddies like that around when I was young. Sheesh. A Barbie rod.

  4. Grunt, I have my Barbie and a Barbie rod on order.

  5. Euripides, Sheesh, never leave home without your Barbie Rod and Barbie.

  6. Had to play the video twice----second time to see the fish. I've caught hundreds of reds some on light fly rods.


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