Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Pizza Confusion . . . .


  1. Sooooo, we learn from this that millennials the world over are dim bulbs. How pathetic. How very, very pathetic.

    I'd like change for this $20 bill. How would you like it?

    I'd like two tens and and another two tens if you don't mind. I can always spend more money.

  2. Good grief. Good grief.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. I would like to thing this whole thing is a joke, but, sadly, it probably isn't.

  4. Sandee, is that 8 or 12 good griefs?

  5. Adrienne, I don't know. I just post them.

  6. I remember the great Yogi Berra had a similar pizza problem...

  7. Stop the tape, mate. Blimey, I was told there would be no math...

  8. Madhat, there's noting better than a good Yogiism.

  9. After asking her the same question that many times and laughing at her, are you sure the headline shouldn't be "This Guy's Former Girlfriend has pizza problems"?

  10. I'm sure the young lady has other attributes that her boyfriend finds attractive.

  11. Rip is right. I am pretty sure that the boyfriend didn't expect brains to be in play here. Or at least I wouldn't.

  12. OMG...Don't let him marry her and have children.

  13. Euripides, I'm sure she does but he's coming really close to cut-off territory.

  14. Fredd, girlfriends really don't need brains.

  15. It's no joke. I had this same argument with my sister in law, but since it was in SE Ohio in the summer time, there were no pizzas, just tomatoes. Her claim was that she always sliced her tomatoes sideways, because she got more 'meat' that way. We went around and round for an hour: "So, you're telling me, that the slices don't just LOOK meatier, they actually have MORE???" It's the SAME bleedin' tomato!

  16. Odie: True, no brains needed in girlfriends. That's what boyfriends are for.

  17. Grunt, calm down. It's a sister in law's job to eff with your mind every chance she gets. What's really bad is if she's your wife's sister your wife put her up to it.


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