Sunday, December 13, 2015

Liberal Logic and Other Nonsense


  1. But, a "common sense" gun law, that's all…

    I do find it interesting that with all that firepower, those cops dusted them in the vehicle shootout. A lot has changed since that LAPD bank robbery shootout in 1995.

  2. If we'd only listened to former Surgeon General Joceyln Elders and developed safer guns with safer bullets.

    Oh, foolish us. We would be living in paradise by now, but did we listen? NO. And now look at us.


  3. Yep, the left is over the edge on almost everything. They make me nauseous. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. Linking you to Silly Sunday. ☺

  4. If you want America to have National Security, you can't vote Democrat.

  5. The first 2, definitely.

    All good, but that TSA stat is right on the money.

  6. Race, California police departments were tired of losing.

  7. Fredd, what's that have to do with masturbation?

  8. Sandee, and we all thought you were sea sick on your boat.

  9. edutcher, they still haven't figured out that little old ladies with walkers are not the Mooselimb Terrorists. Meanwhile, they never check who they should because of political correctness.

  10. Odie: you remember Jocelyn for her OTHER memorable suggestion as to how to improve our society.

  11. My wife, platinum blonde, green-eyed, fair-skinned, and unmistakably Ohioan, gets strip-searched every time we go near an airport while the Moslem women walk straight through.

  12. TSA agents are about as useless as tits on a boar hog or a Eunuch in a Tijuana whore house!

  13. Fredd, that's what I do ... I remember ... I think.

  14. Ron, so you know Tijuana whore houses huh.


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