Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why There Are More Women Than Men (6)

Thanks Ron (LINK)


  1. Cleansing the gene pool all on their own!

  2. Replies
    1. Alcohol involved in those "adventures" in the photos?

  3. I guess that some guys don't put their trousers on one leg at a time.

  4. Good grief. That last one had be shaking my head in disbelief.

    Have a safe and wonderful day Odie. ☺

  5. I'm with Sandee. Are there people who are really that stupid???

  6. One of the meat cutters I work with told me about the time he needed to use a knife to cut the paint sealing up some windows ------- upstairs. Soooooooo - he put a step ladder on top of a picnic table. Not being quite high enough he added some bricks under the step ladder legs. Yep - he fell and was left hanging upside down from the ladder. He was, however, smart enough to pitch the knife before eviscerating himself.

    1. Adrienne, he needed a neighbor with a taller ladder.

  7. Hey, I saw 007 do the second one and Batman does #3 to get into the Batsuit, right?

    If they can do it, I should be able to.

    1. edutcher, did you mean to say "Batsuit" or was it supposed to be "Bat-shit crazy"?

  8. Odie, what do you have against ingenuity??

  9. At last I know the answer to that preplexing question. I suppose the muslims think its because a man should have more than one wife.


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