Sunday, April 6, 2014

Oh, Pool Boy!

Enjoying a little R&R at the GSR Resort again.

Posted with Safari this time.
I forgot what a really nice browser this
is for Mac users. 

Heterosexuals Unite!

Thank You Mckinley !


  1. Once you've used Mac, you'll never go back...and I agree 100% regarding the homosexuals in Mozilla. It's the last time I'll use that browser.

  2. LL, I really hope this a wake-up call for these straight hating libs. I refuse to let freedom of speech die. These PC asses are going to ruin this country.

  3. Safari on Mac ROCKS! Mozilla can go Suck it!!!

  4. Bwahahahahahahaha. Hubby said this guy isn't very smart. Bwahahahahahahahaha. I linked you to Silly Sunday too.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  5. Jon, don't hold back, say what you really think.

    This comment posted using Safari and not Firefox!

  6. Sandee, Hubby could be right.

    This comment posted using Safari and not Firefox!

  7. Marine, That could even hurt a Marine, huh.

    This comment posted using Safari and not Firefox!

  8. Even the Athenians have uninstalled Firefox.

  9. Not a big fan of Safari, so I moved to Google Chrome.

  10. Unite and fight back!

    I am really surprised that gent even tried to get out of the pool after crashing his chest.

  11. What a display of beoneheadedness... the pool guy AND Mozilla.

  12. Using IE---its great! Been feeling poorly the past several days. Maybe the new week will bring a change.

  13. Personal opinion only, so don't anybody get your knickers in a knot: After watching and listening to MANY homosexuals,including a couple of professors, I believe there is a dysfunctional streak running through the lot. Now we have a president, fresh from the bath houses in Chicago, and it is no wonder that the less mature boys of this cult are running amok. There will be a slow turn-around eventually, but there will also be collateral damage.
    Odie, you can delete this if it causes problems.

  14. "GSR" - makes me think of CSI -Reno (even when I stay there!)

  15. Trailbee -- if Odie deletes your comment , feel free to put it on my site! SHEECH!

  16. Edutcher, Cool ... huh?

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  17. Euripides, Safari was made for my Mac.

    This comment posted using Safari and not Firefox!

  18. Admiral, the guy is super sub-human.

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  19. Cube, I enjoy exploiting stupidity here.

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  20. Ron, get better doode.

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  21. Trailbee, I love problem!

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  22. Proof, they practically pay me to come here.

    This comment posted using Safari and not Firefox!

  23. Marine, How could you think so lowly of me? Delete! Are you kidding. I'm proud to have that comment here.

    This comment posted using Safari and not Firefox!

  24. I've had a few diving board mishaps but nothing like that guy in the video. Was he wasted?

  25. Did you mean that the comment was posted using Safari and not Firefox?


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.