Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Good Friend Bunni Needs Our Help

Above is Bunni's love Kittehkins.
I have some very bad news today for Bunni's many
blogging friends. She was diagnosed with terminal
liver cancer in the 5th stage. There is nothing medicine
can do for our beloved Bunni.  The doctors told her
she has from 3 to 6 months to live.

If you look at the top of my sidebar you'll see a PayPal
Donate button. She could use our help to ease some of
her financial woes in these last days because she isn't
able to work. 

I am not a writer so I bow to our friends out there who
have written a piece about Bunni's situation. Two are
below and I'll add to this list as I'm made aware of them.
Meanwhile, please stop by Bunni's place and say hi, and
show her our love.  ~Amusing Bunni's Musings~ 

Zilla of the Resistance and friends

Adrienne's Corner

*American Perspective*


The Camp of the Saints

Mind-Numbed Robot

Randy's Roundtable


We Love You Bunni !


  1. God Bless you, Odie, my dear friend! I couldn't sleep and signed on for a bit here!

    The love and wonderful posts and comments about me are worth all their weight in Gold! You are a hero and an Angel to be so generous and help me, along with our other wonderful friends. All this love is a wonderful tonic and is cheering me up alot.

    I will try and go back to sleep now, and it's happiness that I know you all have my back.
    That is my fav pic of Kitteh too, how did you know?

    God Bless You & Your family.

  2. What a lovely and wonderful post Odie! I wish I could do more but for right now I'm sending hugs, love, and prayers to Bunni. God Bless.

  3. Prayers and love, and comfort to Bunni.

    God give her peace.

  4. This is heartbreaking!

    Bunni and Kittehkins bring so much joy to so many of us bloggers.

    I send up prayers for both and love to both.

  5. Linked and prayers to Bunni. Thanks for spreading the word young fella.

  6. Thank you, Odie. We love our Bunni and I am honored to have been able to help make sure that she knows how well loved she truly is!

  7. Bunni, We all want you to know you're loved. I believe we succeeded. I hope we continue to make you feel better.

    The photo was easy. It's the one I picked too.

  8. Zilla, I've been so proud to call her friend for 4 years also.

  9. She's added to my prayer list too Odie. Found out the other day another friend has been diagnosed with cancer, and last Tuesday another friend succumbed. It's an awful disease.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  10. Very sad news,,,Here is to praying that God is holding her in the Palm of His Hands.

  11. Your tribute was lovely. May God Bless you and Bunni.

  12. I've been speaking with Opus #6 about our mutual friend, Amazing (not merely amusing) Bunni. I hope that she knows how many lives out here that she's touched with her sweet view on life and things. She'd one of those precious souls.

  13. LL, She's a gem and she's won all of our hearts over the years.

  14. I stopped by Bunni's place yesterday and left her a little note. Wish I could do more, but all I can do to keep my head above water. Bunni is in my prayers and thoughts. I worry about her kitteh also. I know however, that she has made arrangements. My heart really goes out to her in this time and I must tell you I'm very emotional and have to push some thoughts back from what I know is the reality of life and death. Can't bring myself to write a post on this---all I can manage is this comment.

  15. Ron, the important thing is she knows you're there and you care. For that we all thank you.

  16. Velcro, that's the way it is with Bunni.

  17. Thanks again, everyone, and I love all your comments! I'm trying to keep up with reading them all, and the blogs that are writing about me. The love and support of all kinds is overwhelming, and each day I'm uplifted more.

    LOVE ALL OF YOU, and God will reward you for your kindness. Huggs, Bunni

  18. That's a really nice post, Odie.

    Bunni and I had a nice long talk on the phone last night and she's been overwhelmed by how much we all love her out here in blogland - it's helping her a lot.

    Thanks, mate.

  19. This is very depressing news.

    My prayers and thoughts are with her.

  20. I visited her and Kittehkins this week. I also can't do much but pray. I have lost so much in the same fashion...I am heartbroken. Keep a hug in your hearts for this dear friend.

  21. God, I miss Carol Bunni so very much! Today is the kinda day when I would give the world to hear her voice on the other end of the phone, like if I could hear her again then all would be right with the world. I loved the way she talked.

    I just happened to see that some traffic arrived at my blog today via your post here, Odie, so I clicked and here I am, and I miss Carol so very much. Seeing her comments above kinda makes me feel like she's still around, and ya know, she did say she'd find a way to be with us still even after the Lord called her Home.

    I am not myself right now, so don't mind me if I am nonsensical, I guess Ill just say that I am stopping by to say Hi, and that I love you the other friends in our special circle of Bunni Buddies.

    XOXO from sickpeoplecrazyland,

    - Mare

  22. We all miss her Mare. You're right, those phone calls were great.


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