Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Am America ~ 11/6/12 Judgement Day !

All you Republicans, Conservatives, and TEA Party people.
All other may stay home if they wish.


  1. May God Bless You and Yours Odie!!!

    Thank you so much for your Service to our shared Nation----

    Welcome Home,again!

    With Much Regard and Love,

  2. Christopher, Thank you so much. Now let's vote with our hearts that love this country.

  3. I am America Odie. I'm going to go vote now. The tide is turning.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  4. I voted, and sat down for a nice cup of TEA.

  5. All my best to the West Left Coast. It is a great day in the neighborhood!

  6. Here is to taking out the 0bama trash!

  7. Opie, I'm in a mail in district, so I voted a week ago. Felt great huh.

  8. Got out and voted early today. Romney will easily carry Mississippi---lots of "right" thinking folks down my way, but there is an element I wish would go away to Chicago or NYC. The dice are rolling down the table now and the only question is will they come up snake-eyes or seven.

  9. The Blonde and I voted earlier and she was so pumped, she had her sample ballot all marked and ready to go!

    That's dedication.

  10. That's how I used to do myself, Edutcher. Now I live in a mail in district.

  11. Our ballots are cast... Lord God, I hope we wake up to good news tomorrow!

  12. Brooke, we're counting now and hoping we prevail. Pray for your country!!!


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